A Healthy Digestive System – The Key to Overall Health


A healthy digestive system is one of the cornerstones of overall health. We need nutrients to maintain a normal nutritional status, which includes the proper functioning of our metabolism and immune system. We need a healthy digestive system to make the best possible use of food and nutrients, which means maintaining the integrity of the gut and a balanced gut microbiota. 

In simple terms, digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown and absorption of food. These mechanical processes include chewing food and also mixing it, which takes place mostly in the mouth and to a lesser extent in the stomach. In addition to grinding down the food, the mouth is also where a partial chemical breakdown of carbohydrates takes place through the action of the enzyme ptyalin, a form of alpha-amylase, which breaks some of the polysaccharides, especially starches, into simpler forms. Saliva also contains small amounts of lingual lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat. The highly acidic stomach environment allows the activation of the enzyme pepsin, which is responsible for digesting proteins. Gastric lipase is also active here, and contributes to the further breakdown of fats. The resulting mixture of food, stomach acid and enzymes is called chyme. This mixture slowly enters the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum, into which flow bile and alkaline digestive juices from the pancreas. The function of bile is to reduce fat particles, which the pancreatic enzyme lipase then breaks down almost completely into fatty acids to be absorbed in the lower part of the small intestine. The digestion of carbohydrates by pancreatic amylase and of proteins by the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin also continues here. On its way through the small intestine, food is almost completely broken down by the action of numerous enzymes and the gut microbiota, and it is in this section of the digestive tract that most nutrients are absorbed. The digestion of food is completed in the large intestine. This is where most of the water is absorbed. This is also where the gut microbiota plays the most important role, metabolising dietary fibre and resistant starch, and producing and absorbing special nutrients such as short-chain fatty acids and vitamin K.

The digestive system is responsible for more than just digestion – its immunological role is also extremely important. This is because almost 80% of the cells involved in the immune response are located in the gut, and this immunological organ is made up of epithelial cells together with the mucosal chemical barrier, and the cells of the innate and acquired immune response together with the microbiota that is present there. Any imbalance in these components results in compromised integrity of the intestinal barrier, which is associated with several disorders. It is well known that the balance of the gut microbiota is largely dependent on digestion and gut function, but also that digestion and absorption of nutrients are strongly influenced by the gut microbiota. This interdependence and interconnectedness is a reciprocal relationship that depends on external factors, in particular the quality of a person’s diet and their individual lifestyle. 

The best way to keep your digestive system healthy and your gut microbiota in balance is to follow the principles of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The key to supporting the digestive system is a varied and balanced diet. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the individual components of some foods, such as fibre, probiotics, prebiotics and polyphenols, can also significantly influence gut health and microbiota. Dietary fibre, resistant starch and adequate fluid intake are of vital importance for the digestive system, its proper cleansing and the maintenance of healthy gut diversity. 

In conclusion, the digestive paths of food and nutrients are now well understood, and we know how to ensure a good nutritional status and a healthy digestive system. A good diet, rich in natural and fresh foods, together with adequate hydration and an active lifestyle, is the best guarantee of a strong immune response, as well as of the normal functioning of every organ in the body. 

How can Donat help with disease prevention and adopting healthy habits?

Thanks to its unique mineral composition, Donat is a 100% natural mineral water that has beneficial effects on digestion and is clinically proven to be effective. Taking care of your digestion is taking care of your overall health. After eating, food takes about six to eight hours to pass through the stomach and small intestine. Next, it enters the large intestine, where the final phase of digestion takes place. The large intestine is where the body gets rid of waste matter and undigested food remains, so it’s very important to maintain regular digestion. This final stage of digestion is essential because if harmful substances and metabolic waste products build up in the body, the whole digestive process slows down and the absorption of nutrients is reduced. Digestion provides the body with water, minerals, vitamins and energy, so it’s clear that improving your digestive function is one of the key steps to improving your health. And let’s not forget that a large part of the immune system is located in the gut. Roughly 80% of the immune system’s cells are found in the intestines, making them our largest immune organ. Through the digestive system the body absorbs nutrients that are then used to boost the immune system and fight disease. This is why it’s so important to maintain the health of the digestive system and thus overall health. 

Taking care of your health is more important than ever, and we all know that a healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in preventing many of the ailments and diseases of contemporary life. Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, it’s highly recommended to drink Donat natural mineral water on a daily basis. Apart from stimulating the digestive system and supporting its function in its final stage, Donat has beneficial effects on other parts of the digestive system, promoting their healthy functioning. Magnesium plays an important role in digestive processes. High levels of magnesium stimulate the release of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine, which is vital for digestive processes and nutrient absorption. In addition, sulphate ions enable bile flow from the liver, stimulate gallbladder contractions and thus reduce the probability of gallstone formation. We should also keep in mind that bile plays a major role in the digestion of fats. Bile salts split fats from food into smaller particles, which are then available for enzymes to break down.

By drinking half a litre of Donat a day you’ll improve your digestion in a natural way, thus allowing your body to absorb the necessary nutrients that are consumed as part of a healthy diet and are important for strengthening the immune system. With the Donat digestive system support programme, you can drink Donat daily and on a long-term basis: 

Optimal way of drinking Donat as a preventive

Method of drinking
In the morning on an empty stomach
0.2 – 0.3 litres
Before lunch
0.1 litres
Before supper
0.1 – 0.2 litres

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this drinking program?

Download the application which will make sure that you never forget to drink Donat in your chosen drinking program.


Have you decided to try
this drinking program?

Download the application which will make sure that you never forget to drink Donat in your chosen drinking program.



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