
The Importance of Proper Nutrient Absorption


In order for any dietary intervention or supplementation to be effective, we require a healthy digestive system, which ultimately serves as the tool through which we digest and absorb nutrients while discarding harmful substances. Nowadays, the significant role of proper nutrition, hydration, and supplementation in contributing to the normal functioning of the immune system through their beneficial effects on digestive health is well recognised. Specifically, if the digestive system – or more precisely, the intestinal mucosa – is not in good condition, and if it is suffering from an imbalance, then any attempt to optimise the immune response will not yield fruitful results. The primary objective is to address digestive health in order to strengthen the immune system. A healthy digestion provides the foundation for a robust immune system, as approximately 80% of immune cells reside within the digestive system. It is thus crucial to work to support the normal functioning of the body’s immunity in a targeted and systematic manner, and so ensure that the body is able to protect itself from harm.

The body receives a variety of nutrients daily, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, and delivers them to our cells for use. However, even if we consume nutrient-rich foods, this does not necessarily guarantee that all the essential nutrients will be absorbed. When the digestive system does not function properly, valuable nutrients can be lost during the process of digestion.

What does nutrient absorption actually mean?

The term “absorption” stems from the Latin word absorptio, meaning “to absorb”. Physiologically, nutrient absorption entails the passage of nutrients from digested food through the intestinal mucosa and into the bloodstream.

Why is nutrient absorption important?

Nutrient absorption is the only way for the nutrients present in food to reach the bloodstream and thus the cells that make up the body. Therefore, if absorption is to be successful then it is necessary for nutrients to be adequately digested, and this requires a healthy and efficient digestive system.

How does the absorption of nutrients occur?

The food we consume undergoes a process of chemical and mechanical digestion. In this the carbohydrates we eat are broken down and converted into glucose for energy or storage, while proteins are transformed into different types of amino acids. Food is then transported to the small intestine and the nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries them to various parts of the body through the circulatory system. Anything unused is either stored in the body or deemed waste and excreted.
However, a healthy digestive system is required for this process to function efficiently. Unhealthy intestines can compromise digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to various types of deficiencies and illnesses.

Which factors negatively affect nutrient absorption?

Several factors can have a negative impact on your body’s digestive system and, consequently, nutrient absorption. These include:

  • Processed foods or foods high in sugar
  • Various gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease
  • Medications such as antidepressants, antacids, hormones, and blood pressure drugs
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Stress and anxiety

How can you enhance nutrient absorption, optimise digestive system function, strengthen immunity, and prepare the body for winter?

We are aware that proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal health. A balanced diet contains vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and other micronutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. It also includes macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) that provide energy from lean meats, fatty fish, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and beans.

The Donat Imuno programme prepares your body for the optimal utilisation of nutrients from your diet, and enhances immunity in a completely natural manner.

Due to the high content of bioactive substances from foods recommended in the Donat Imuno programme (proteins, vitamins D, C, and E, along with numerous other antioxidants, minerals such as magnesium and zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and dietary fibres), the suggested diet and Donat consumption protocol act together on multiple levels, with anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and antimicrobial effects. The Donat Imuno programme offers practical meal plans and a Donat consumption schedule that has been devised with a clear purpose and has been shown to have beneficial effects on both digestive system function and immune response.

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